C T Todd was born in Philadelphia then moved to the West-Chester/Downingtown area in South Eastern Pennsylvania at an early age. Then spent a lot of time in the woods hiking and watching horror movies. Collecting comic books such as Vampirella, creepy and numerous other horror comics was and still is a favorite hobby.
"I love to hike and explore in my spare time. Sitting in a spots in the wild really inspires my writing, I visualize scenes for my book right in front of my eyes as they happen and write it out. I always carry a note book in my pack, I never know when something will come up and be part of a story. Writing became a love to me after I had a nightmare, It also became the first part of book one. The dream stayed in my head, you know the type of dream that just never fades away as you wake. So I wrote it out and showed a few girl friends, they loved it and encouraged me to go with it and now it's a series. I am having so much fun writing it and I plan on continuing the series for at least five books and hopefully more. "
Neesa will be in the 2012 KISS tour program.
I have started to write vol 3 in the series and have a outline for vol 4 !
Also I have gotten numerous emails from my readers requesting a back story on Hannah. Good news is I have already started it in 2011 and it should be out by 2014. It starts in 1750 and will go to present day. It may have to be a series all in it's own. That's all I can say without spoiling to much, you'll just have to read it.
Book Signings for 2016 coming soon!